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Devintegrated How to Use

.Learn how to edit your website or better still learn how to create new layouts using the Divi builder.


If you have a basic Devintegrated website and only want to edit it: changing the demo contents to your own contents, your work is pretty much less. Kindly click the Enable Visual Builder button on your homepage and hover your mouse over any content you wish to edit, you’ll be shown several icons, click the settings icon and begin customizing. Yes, you may not know what to do, not to worry, just scroll down in that settings section that is opened to you and click Help at the bottom of the section. You will see the How to use Video. The video will show you how to do everything on that section. Do the same for every other sections.

If you have questions, kindly submit a ticket with your question.

For those of us who will like to do more with Devintegrated websites like creating layouts from scratch, adding custom CSS, walking with Accordion, Tabs, etc, you can download our documentation here.

The file is 42MB in size and it’s in .docx format.

We are still working on the online version of our documentation. For now, please make do with the videos in each section of your website edit page and for the advance users, kindly make use of our extensive documentation.



Learn how to create new posts and pages using the default builder

How to Create Pages

How to Create Posts